Strings and Straw Bales 6-9-20

4 years ago

Lori Fiechter here again strewing straw and stringing twine. It has been many years since we used straw in the garden We bought 3 bales at $7 but found our local feed mill sells them for $4.50 so Stan says we are buying more. Not sure what his plans are...I'm on a "need to know basis" when it comes to the garden! He also bought two more metal fence posts, but these are 8 feet high! He put them by our one remaining grape vine as support.

We put straw around the cucumbers, squash, and blackberries. Gusty winds today threatened to scatter the straw across the lawn so we had to water it down and then stomp on it. I had as much straw in my shoes as the Scarecrow in Oz!

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