The Raw Deal (20 July 2022) with Russ Winter

2 years ago

We began with the warning from former President Medvedev that Russia would regard attacks on Crimea as a "systemic threat" to its national security and would respond powerfully--which may be understood to mean with nukes and other extremely potent weapons of war. Then we turned to PBS promoting eating bugs and worms for food, which is beyond belief for a publicly-financed news outlet. Disgusting! Then we looked at the vax and the horrific numbers of deaths being reported in the UK, where the unvaxxed are doing the best and the double-and-triple-vaxxed the worst. There can be no doubt that the program to depopulate Planet Earth is well-underway, where we had an ominous warning from a priest nearly 2 years ago forecasting exactly what was going to take place--and now it's occurring before our very eyes. Russ introduced some stories from his end and we had calls from Brian and from Paul to round out the show. A bit choppy technically but great to feature him here.

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