Lord's Day Morning Service from Bethany ARP Church, June 21, 2020

4 years ago

The Lord’s Day June 21, 2020
Prelude God of Our Fathers
Welcome and Announcements
Silent Prayer
Call to Worship Romans 5:1-5
*Hymn Faith of Our Fathers! No. 570, v. 1-4
*Invocation and Lord’s Prayer
*Scripture Reading 2 Samuel 6:1-11
*Bible Song His Love Is Like A Father’s No. 218, v. 1-3
Pastoral Prayer
*Sermon Text Matthew 8:18-22
Sermon The Cost of Discipleship
*Bible Song The Blessings of the Godly Man No. 236, v.1-3
*Benediction From God’s Word Proverbs 4:23-27
*Postlude Unto You, Lord

On the offering front, we encourage those not in attendance to mail their offering to the church. There is an option for online giving. Please use this link: https://abundant.co/generalsynodarpchurc/bethanyarp

In Christ,

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