My First Stereo Revival (Ep four) - Technics SH 8025 Graphic Equalizer

4 years ago

A 40 year audio journey back in time.
I feel like I have come a long way over the last 40 years building the audio system I have today for listening to the music I love. I also think the path of what I think good audio is was set for me when I was a little kid. I grew up in a time (1970's) when my two older brothers and a sister either had themselves or had friends that had top of the line audio systems of the day. Always one upping one another.
I caught the fever a very young age and I had to build my own audio system. With help from those people and with what I could beg, borrow or work for at the end of the Summer of 1980 I bought my first real piece of audio equipment from a friend who had already moved on to much bigger and better. The Realistic STA 64 Receiver was almost two years old at the time. I just turned 12 years old that month. The journey had begun.
Not having that stereo today a new journey has begun to rebuild my first stereo system and compare it to what I have 40 years later to see if and what has changed over the years for me.
(Ep four)
With our Realistic STA-64 Stereo Receiver, Infinity RSa speakers, Sanyo RD 7 Cassette Deck we add to our system a game changer. It's time for some control.
In 1983 the opportunity came up for me to buy my first Technics SH 8025 Graphic Equalizer. EQ's were pretty common place in my world back then (as they are today). It was almost odd for a good car or home stereo not to have some sort of EQ. Even the cheap stuff had a couple sliders to fool with.
We find the same EQ on eBay that has seen some better days so we take it apart and fix it all and put it back together with a few detours along the way.
We also get into a little side project again. If I'm cleaning one EQ why not do two?
Before this video is over we will revisit days long gone past. You will have to watch to find out if they were good or bad days. We set the parameters of and do an honest review of the first and now second, third and forth steps of our rebuild and at the end, the next direction we need to head in.

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