发现内心深处的渴望(WarningThePeople)Find the Underlining Desire of Your Heart

1 year ago

SOURCE https://youtu.be/MPt-LNRPpxg

2022年7月21日 Posted by WarningThePeople

我们需要坦诚的面对自己,自问一下:“我们真的想与耶稣基督建立关系吗?” 还是在现实中,我们渴望享乐,沉迷于世界的快乐,沉湎于罪的习惯和瘾癖?我们中的很多人,如果我们坦诚的面对自己,我们的答案会是:"罪中之乐令人陶醉,我更愿沉沦其中"。 但是,如果你的生命达到这样的认知:你看到了新生命的果实,你愿意放弃世上的快乐,你想进入耶稣的存在,这样,那些旧习惯会开始从你身上脱落,你才能够拒绝撒旦。

除非你有这样的认知,否则,你为什么要百分之百的相信耶稣? 你为什么要在感觉良好中停止犯罪? 你必须首先计算成本(并看到最终目标的价值)。 你真的计算过跟随耶稣的代价吗? 你想百分之百为他而活吗? 还是你依然陶醉于罪和上瘾的感觉,而摇摆不定? 省察自己,看看你内心真正渴望的是什么。 愿耶稣的恩典与你同在!

Find the Underlining Desire of Your Heart

We have to be really honest with ourselves and ask; do we really want a relationship with Jesus Christ? Or in reality are we in love with pleasure, the pleasures of the world, sinful habits and addictions. A lot of us, if we were honest with ourselves, we would just say; “Sin feels good enough, and I’m not willing to give it up.” But if you get to the point in your life where you are wiling to give up the pleasures of the world because you have seen the fruit of the newness of life, and you want to enter Jesus’s presences, then those old habits will start to fall off of you, you will start to be able to refuse satan. But until you get to that point WHY would you put your faith in Jesus 100%? Why would you walk away from sin when it feels good? You have to first count the cost (and see the value in the end goal). Have you truly counted the cost to follow Jesus? Do you want to be 100% for Him? Or is part of you still wavering in the world because you like the feeling of sin and addiction? Check yourself and see what your heart truly desires. May the grace of Jesus be with you.

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