Static Gymnastics & Calisthenics Skills for Beginners

3 years ago

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Gymnastics training or calisthenics is not only about getting strong, healthy and shredded with the “classic” exercises like push ups, pull ups or muscle ups, but learning spectacular skills like the planche, human flag or front lever.

This is one of the specialties of this type of training, that you can get all the benefits from working out, while learning spectacular skills and enjoy the process even more!

Learning new skills can be an extra motivating factor as well.

Many people start calisthenics or street workout for that particular reason, or because they not only want to get a better physique but want to learn dope skills and tricks.

However, not too many people talk about how to start this process.

Of course, there are beginner progressions for the advanced exercises I mentioned but you definitely need a basic strength to be able to start those.

But what is that basic level? When should you start learning these static skills? What is the right order of the exercises?

Join Adam, and you’ll get the answers in this video!

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