Planche of the beginners (Elbow lever step-by-step!)

2 years ago

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If you are a beginner, and you are dreaming about the planche, there is an exercise that I highly recommend to learn before you start training for the planche. And this exercise is the elbow lever.

We can say, that the elbow lever is the planche of the beginners.

For the first sight, many “outsider’ can’t even distinguish the planche and the elbow lever. They look similar, but there is a huge difference between them. In the elbow lever, your body supports on your elbows, meanwhile in the planche your elbows are locked, away from your body.

Maybe as an outsider it”s not a huge difference because hey, the whole body is horizontal, it looks dope, but believe me… the straight arm is a huuuuge difference.

Ask someone who trains for the planche and suffers with the straight arm strength. It’s brutal and gets even harder and harder as you progress.

Yes, the planche is really difficult, an advanced exercise and that’s why I think you have to do anything that can help your progress, make it easier and smoother as much as possible.

In my opinion, the elbow lever is a really underrated exercise. It teaches you a lot that you’ll benefit in the planche, and what exactly are these will be revealed in this video!

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