Vauhxx Booker Lake Monroe Indiana "Attempted Lynching" - Some things just aren't adding up...

3 years ago

NOTE: This was originally recored on FB Live. Because viewers trickle in to the live broadcast, certain points were repeated/reiterated for those new live viewers as they joined the livestream later into the broadcast.

So the alleged "attempted lynching" at Lake Monroe in Indiana as reported by local community activist Vauhxx Booker appears to have a lot of people asking a whole lot of questions.

But on top of that, much is coming out now about Mr. Booker and his past. It appears that he is very well know in his town for being what many people (both black and white) call an instigator (their words, not mine). Many have reached out with accounts of Mr. Booker getting into numerous verbal and physical confrontations locally which have lead to him being banned from multiple locations. Once again, this is coming from those who live in the area; not me.

An ex female friend of Mr. Booker reported being verbally abused by him on multiple occasions. There's a Reddit thread with her statement about him. You can google it.

The local chapter of Black Lives Matter (BLM) cut ties with Vauhxx booker publicly after they felt he was using the organization for his own political aspirations. This too can also be googled.

In short, dozens upon dozens of people have now come forward stating that Mr. Vauhxx booker is an outright "trouble maker" who is VERY well known for violent and inappropriate behavior. And yes, as stated, this is coming from both black and white people who live in his town and know of him very well. Many have now openly commented on social media.

But other questions are now arising. Questions such as why NOBODY called 9-1-1 when this alleged "lynching" was taking place. Why, when people were allegedly yelling racial slurs and calling for a NOOSE did nobody dial 9-1-1? Not his friend(s) nor anyone on his side supporting him.

And why were the people that were there (his friend/friends) not helping him as he was being held down?? All they did was pull out their phones and record; but only after the fight was over and Mr. Booker was being held down/subdued?

Why did Mr. Booker, who clearly has issues talking with and getting along with people, decide that he was the one that should attempt to go speak with a group of drunk men who had advised him multiple times that he was trespassing and needed to leave?

What happened prior to when the video started? Multiple men in the group he approached have now stated that it was Mr. Booker that started that conflict and even threw the first punch; they claim they just subdued him and held him down to calm him down. And that's when his friend happened to just start recording? Could they be lying about this? Yes.

And why, even after leaving the area, was Mr. Booker walking back toward the drunk men, recording them and trying to get them to say racial slurs (which the men clearly were too afraid to say)? Mr. Booker did not seem injured, phased or afraid? If a group of drunk white men just tried to "lynch" you, once you escaped, wouldn't you be running away and calling the police as you ran? Wouldn't you be a bit more animated? Instead, he kept re-engaging the drunk men, egging them on to say something racist so he could get it on video.

9-1-1 was only ever called by Mr. Booker (nobody else called) until well after the incident ended.

Many have pointed out that Mr. Booker claimed that he sustained numerous injuries during this encounter. However the next day on the news, he showed no signs of injury and did not point out any of his injuries to the reporter on camera as many victims of assault do. We all know the news loves showing injuries for shock value. Many are asking, why not this time?

Lastly, why, with nearly half a dozen people recording on their cell phones, is not a single racial slur heard on tape? Aside from one man calling Mr. Booker "nappy head" not a single racial slur, the word noose or anything else can be heard on video. None of the videos are full clips; they are all cut up clips of video; even Mr. Bookers. Why? Where is the full, uncut footage? Someone had to have caught one of these drunks saying the N word or something, right?

I urge you to watch the videos taken for yourself and form your own opinion. In my opinion, a "lynching" is a VERY serious thing. And from what is seen on these videos, calling this an attempted lynching is a bit of a stretch. Black men in this country have been legitimately attacked and have suffered severe injuries; some have even died.

What do you think? Personally, I feel no man should be attacked due to the color of his skin. But a few things about this story just aren't adding up...

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