不要让魔鬼侵扰你! 放胆抵挡他们!Don't let demons patronize you! Encouragement for BOLDNESS!

1 year ago

原视频SOURCE: https://youtu.be/SkG4t-RFS6c

2022年7月19日 POSTED BY Newness of Spirit


I had a short dream last week that I like to share. In this dream, me and brother Andrew were restraining and detaining someone working for the powers of darkness. And brother Andrew was on the phone speaking with brother Antony, asking him to come and help us. In this dream I saw good and healthy boldness from Brother Andrew. And I like to encourage the brethren and sisters out there to have boldness, a good, healthy boldness when it comes to dealing with evil spirits, even if we know that the fight is not against flesh and blood. The fight is against evil principalities, but sometimes these evil principalities live inside flesh and blood. Now, obviously, we don't fight against flesh and blood, but we fight against the evil spirit from inside that flesh and blood, which obviously is trying to deceive us, to that person, or to I don't know, to tempt us, or stuff like that. So sometimes rebuking is necessary. You know, very few Christians today, very few rebuke other Christians today, because they are afraid of what they're going to say. They're afraid they're going to be called, you know, a mean or rude, or they are going to be labelled, according to the the standards of modern day Christianity. That on the surface, seems to be well-mannered, or, you know, have good and godly attitude, but this is all fake. Because on the inside, in their privacy, or with their families or at work, they have a totally different attitude. But we, as Christians, serious disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ, we do have to rebuke devils sometimes, and we have to do it with boldness. We cannot permit let demons patronize us and try to control us through other people. We know that the Lord Jesus Christ rebuked and said to his disciples that You don't know by what manner of spirit you are off, because that's what the case was. So I really want to encourage the brethren and the sisters out there, not to permit devils and the powers of darkness, to restrain them, to hinder them to do the work that they have to do, because this is what the devil wants. And we cannot let that happen in our lives, because this is how he manipulates us, and he takes control of our actions, and we stop being fruitful for the Kingdom of God. May the Lord Jesus Christ Bless you.

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