According2Sam #124 'Fact Checker'

1 year ago

Mainstream media outlets went on a tirade this past week about how conservatives and right-wing media doubted the story of the 10 year old girl who became pregnant in Ohio and was forced to travel to the neighboring state of Indiana for an abortion. They attempted to shame people who were asking questions and trying to vet the story. ​When the story was first reported in a local Indianapolis newspaper there was only one source with no other corroborating details. It really shouldn't be surprising that people had questions about the authenticity of the story, especially when no one had been arrested and there didn't seem to be an active investigation into the sexual abuse of the child. However, the first news outlet to raise doubts about this story was not right-wing, conservative, media. It was the Washington Post who published an article from a fact checker who explained the trouble he was having in vetting the story. Why was the fact checker having so much trouble vetting the story, and how did his article in the Washington Post influence others to start doubting the story? Join the conversation and get answers to these questions and more on According2Sam episode #124.

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