Customer Communication Process: Paul Abdool

2 years ago

The COVID-19 pandemic has created unique challenges for businesses and individuals around the world, one of hardest-hit departments is often customer service and they have been on the frontline of most of these challenges. However, besides all these changes if you look closely. Companies have taken quiet but dramatic steps to improve customer service — and the results are impressive. Most companies invested in more customer communications technology, adding new ways for customers to connect through its mobile app, online support portal and text messaging.

I interviewed Paul Abdool from WayPath Consulting. Paul is the Chief Revenue Officer at Waypath - focus on content management systems (CMS), customer communications management (CCM) and customer relationship management (CRM), scalable solutions that help you stay connected to and engaged with your customers.

Paul shared insights on the state of customer communication and service during the pandemic and changes that impact customer communication. He outlined the most common challenges during new customer service improvement initiatives and projects.

Here’s some of the topics discussed in this video:
• Customer Communication and business strategy
• Change Management, staff training and documentation
• COVID impact, customer service and Improvement
• Technology improvements, automations, and innovations
• .... many more...

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