Police on Guard's 1 Year Anniversary

2 years ago

One year ago today, two Ontario police officers who were strangers to one another, found a connection through common concern affecting Canadians from coast to coast.

That concern was the arbitrary removal of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms of Canadians by our Governments, both federal and provincial, in the name of public health.

An open letter was penned and posted on social media, highlighting the fact that Police were being directed to break their Oath’s to uphold the Charter of Rights and Freedoms of Canadians. From this moment, Police on Guard for Thee was born.

This letter was the catalyst for change, as those two officers were quickly joined by 5 more, than 50, than 150, then 1000. Bonded by the inherent desire and duty to do the right thing, no matter what the cost. Also, during this time, Canada’s top constitution Lawyer, Rocco Galati of the Constitutional Rights Centre, agreed to represent Police on Guard in Canada’s first ever Court challenge of Ontario’s Police against its Government.

Over the course of the last year, these draconian measures implemented by our governments have not slowed, so by demand, neither have we.

Police on Guard also spearheaded a second court action, also represented by Rocco Galati, against the federal government on behalf of federal employees being directed to partake in a medical intervention or lose their careers. This resulted in over 600 federal employees joining this court action.

Multiple other efforts, organized by Police on Guard, have also taken root over the last year to increase public awareness on the unconstitutional measures being forced upon Canadians without Legal authority. These efforts are ongoing, and will hopefully serve to shine an even brighter light on the illegal and abhorrent tactics being implemented by governmental leaders and public health officials.

As Police Constables, we took an oath to uphold the Constitution and the Charter of Rights and Freedoms of all Canadians.

Police on Guard was born out of dedication to this Oath, and we will continue to fervently and diligently work to remind every Officer in Canada of the Oath they took. This Oath was not to protect Canada’s government, while enacting illegal mandates. This Oath was to protect the great people of Canada by upholding the constitution and Charter.

A year after inception, we are stronger than ever, and growing quickly.

We are the Police of this great Nation, and we will ALWAYS stand steadfast in maintaining our Oath to protect Canada’s people. We are Police on Guard for Thee.

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