Haiku Wednesday AI Dungeon Adventures | Ep 352 | AIPD

3 years ago

A live adventure story written by AI and humans — and YOU!

Characters this episode:
00:00:00 - Hammy the hamster / traveling to the arctic. / What he will find there?
00:22:16 - Texting with my Mom. / Don’t think that emoji means / What she thinks it does
00:42:16 - Got a hot date planned. / Gonna be a spicy night! / Need to get cumin.
01:03:21 - You live in the hills. / Brewing Kombucha with kick. / It's called Komhoocha.

To watch live AI Dungeon adventures, go to https://twitch.tv/aipd and give us a follow!

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J🌞 - AIPD Theme Song, Meta Monday, Story Jingles
Jim - Moral of the Story Jingles
Cory - "Oprah Love", "German D"

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#dungeonmasterai #aidungeon

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