David Wilkerson - Spiritual Warfare (Sermon Jam)

2 years ago

David Wilkerson - Spiritual Warfare (Sermon Jam)

iThink Biblically

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In this David Wilkerson sermon jam we are exhorted to spend time in prayer and spiritual warfare. David Wilkerson was a solid advocate for prayer in the local church in the life of individual Christian believers. Sadly today the church prayer meeting is either non-existent or so small no-body knows about it. Our churches are to busy entertaining the goats to worry about actually seeking the face of God in prayer. There is no spiritual warfare in the church today. The concept has been highjacked by fakes and phonies. Waco's and weirdos who teach all sorts of pagan nonsense under the guise of the Christian church. The church is in a constant battle with the world, the flesh and the devil. Our warfare is spiritual, not carnal. We don't fight with carnal weapons, we fight with prayer and the preaching of God's Word. We speak against lies and deception in the world and in the church using the scriptures, God's Holy Word the Bible. Christians are to pray for all men. David Wilkerson was an excellent example of a man who saw God move through prayer and spiritual warfare. Hope you enjoy this sermon jam as well as all my previous ones the the ones yet to come. We are getting closer and closer to the end and we must stand firm in the truth of the Gospel. Don't let the devil deceive you. Pray and seek after Jesus Christ.

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