Shoigu instructed to strictly suppress shelling of the liberated Donbass neighborhoods

1 year ago

Russian Defense Minister General of the Army Sergei Shoigu gave instructions to the commander of the "Zapad" group, Lieutenant General Andrei Sychev, to further increase the efficiency of destroying Ukrainian drones over the regions bordering Russia. In addition, the head of the Russian Defense Ministry pointed to the need for a strict suppression of shelling by nationalists of residential areas of the liberated settlements of Ukraine, taking into account the receipt of new means of counter-battery warfare.

The head of the defense department gave this order during an inspection of the Russian group of troops "West", participating in a special military operation to protect Donbass.

Earlier, Sergei Shoigu inspected the Russian group "Vostok". In particular, the head of the Russian Defense Ministry noted the strengthening of the strike capabilities of the group and gave an indication of the priority destruction of enemy long-range missiles and artillery with high-precision weapons, from which residential areas of Donbass are being shelled and wheat fields and grain storage facilities are being set on fire.
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Shoigu orders military group to hit Ukrainian weapons shelling homes in Donbass:

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