Coming to Tampa, FL. SAVE THE DATE!!!

2 years ago

Biggest announcement since the inception of Liberty and Health Alliance!

Save the date! September 15-18, 2022
Location: Tampa, Florida!

As our viewers have all noted with increasing awareness, every one of the apocalyptic 'signs of the times' prophesied in the Bible is intensifying in these unprecedented times in which we live.

How do we understand these events in light of prophecy and in light of the final revelation of God's character in these last days?

Even as we stand at the door in this ‘11th hour’ (Matt. 20:1-16) of earth’s history, this event itself is coming together quickly. We are just a few short months away!

Here are the details we can share already now:

September 15-18,2022...

...coming to Tampa, Florida at the Tampa Convention Center's Earth’s Last-minute Life and Liberty Rally!

Join Dr. Lela Lewis, MD, MPH, and world renown guest speakers including:
Dr. Peter McCullough, MD, MPH
Matt Staver, JD of Liberty Counsel

Along with:
Mark Anthony
Andrew Chung, MD
Chris Chung
Craig Cleveland
Skip Dodson
Ron Kelly
Greg Nelson
Linda Royal, PhD
Jonathan Zirkle, JD
And many more to be announced


Christ’s method alone – reaching peoples’ hearts, meeting peoples’ needs, and then bidding them to follow Him - is still the pathway to every Spirit-led soul winning effort.

Plan to attend.

Plan to volunteer.

And please spread the word!

Liberty-related topics include…
-How can we use current events and threatened liberties evangelistically?
-What is religious liberty, and how do I exercise it?
-Do infants and the pre-born also have unalienable rights?

Pandemic-related topics include…
-Is the COVID vaccine proving to be safe and effective?
-Is VAIDS something to be concerned about?
-What about Monkeypox?
-How can immune optimization through lifestyle, including the use of nutraceuticals, prevent the next pandemic?

Other pressing topics…
-What rights and responsibilities do parents have in the midst of LGBTQIA+ aggression?
-What about food shortages and Bible prophecy?
-Where is all this going and what is coming next?

Plan to attend!

Plan to volunteer!

Plan to be blessed!

Because the Love of Christ compels us (2 Cor. 5:14).

Spread the word! Space is limited!! Send this link to friends and family so they will be the first to be notified when more details are available and when registration opens:

If you are already on this newsletter, you'll be the first to know also.

That's all for now. Most of all, please pray for a great awakening - for revival, reformation, and a harvest of souls!

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