SC Leftist Disguised As Republican Attacks Overton Report! Let's Handle This!

2 years ago

Willie Turral, failed and disgraced candidate for Beaufort County, SC Auditor, created a video a couple of days ago, he called me, and the entire The Overton Group & Overton Report "neo-nazis" now you would expect that type of gaslighting nonsense from leftists. But you would NOT expect it from clowns who claim that they are #Republicanswould you? Willie ran in a local office for Auditor in a #southcarolina primary as a member Beaufort County Republican Party (South Carolina) even though hours of footage was exposed by yours truly proving he has decidedly leftist views. Now, in his video he claimed that he had unblocked us, and challenged me to come on his live video asking him questions. There was only one problem, he was COMPLETELY LYING, just like he did during his campaign about his beliefs. So, we called him! Take a look and see how that turned out!
And stay tuned for part 2 of "Trying to talk to 'sleepers' within the South Carolina Republican Party
hey Drew McKissick come get your boy.

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