THE TOOLBOX MURDERS 1978 Psycho Runs Wild in Apartment Bldg Using Box of Tools to Kill FULL MOVIE in HD & W/S

1 year ago

THE TOOLBOX MURDERS 1978 - A lunatic goes off his rocker in an apartment complex due to the death of his daughter in a car accident. The Psycho tries to kill all the tenants he dislikes for their supposed sinful behavior with the contents of a toolbox.

Supposedly based upon a true story, but most likely just marketed as such for shock value, this weird amalgamation of gory slasher with psychological thriller has gained a cult following, including such as Steven King & Tobe Hooper, who directed a remake that can be seen on Rumble Channel, Radical Remakes, link here:

In HD & Widescreen format. (Please subscribe to this channel and my others to catch all of the movies I present, as some are not monetized and/or not searchable)

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