不要让其他声音进入你的思想和心灵(WarningThePeople)Stop Letting Other Voices into Your Mind and Heart

2 years ago

SOURCE https://youtu.be/A1QEokhDe5c

2020年6月5日 POSTED BY WarningThePeople

许多人在跟随耶稣时遇到的问题是,他们实际上是在听很多老师、很多大师、很多领袖的话。 他们让这些人作为他们生命的引导人,因为他们听了这么多人的意见,他们被拉往各种各样不同的方向,他们无法真正分辨哪个是真理。 请记住,只有耶稣拥有真理的话语。 如果你发现自己不太确定什么是正确的道路,而你实际上是在听Youtube上的一群人的话,你在听从所有这些不同的老师,你并没有顺服耶稣的话。 我想给你们读一下马太福音二十三章中耶稣说的话,我从第8节开始,但你们不要让别人称呼你们为老师,因为你们只有一位老师,你们彼此都是弟兄。 不要称呼地上的人为父亲,因为你们只有一位父亲,祂在天上。 不要让人称你们为导师,因为你们只有一位导师——基督。 你们当中谁最伟大,谁就要做你们的仆人。 自高的人必遭贬抑,谦卑的人必得尊荣。(马太福音 23:8-12 当代译本)

如果我们想认真对待耶稣,如果我们想真正跟随他,而不是被各种各样不同的观点拉向不同的地方,然后迷失方向,开始怀疑 "什么才是真正的真理...这个人说这个,那个人说那个..." 我们必须停止让其他声音进入我们的脑海,进入我们的内心。 我们必须阻止所有那些不是来自好老师、不是来自耶稣基督的思想。 所以,把那些除耶稣基督之外的“老师”从你的生活中剔除去。 开始顺从耶稣,让他成为你唯一的老师。 作为主内的弟兄姐妹,我们可以互相鼓励,我们可以分享我们的见证,也许我们有来自主的话语。但是我们每一个人都需要被好牧人带领,而不是被主内的另一个弟兄姐妹带领。 如果你被其他兄弟姐妹或老师或长老 "属灵上喂养"着,这将对你的属灵生命造成破坏,你需要直接听从源头,而这个源头就是耶稣基督。如果你和他有正确的关系, 他应许了圣灵来引导你,教导你,安慰你。 因此,祷告并请求耶稣赐给你安慰者--圣灵,让他成为你的独一无二的老师,不要再被其他人、其他事物分散注意力,无论是电视、手机、收音机......无论是什么让你听而上瘾的“毒品”,都要除掉。开始真正的祷告,听从耶稣,开始认真的去认识他—— 你唯一的老师。听从他的话,跟随他的道路,你就会得着生命。但听别人的话,你就不会得着生命。 世界上没有其他人有生命之道,只有耶稣有生命之道。 因此,要真正把自己交给他,让他成为你独一无二、不可替代的老师!

2020年6月5日 Stop Letting Other Voices into Your Mind and Heart
The problem many people have following Jesus is, they are actually listening to many teachers, many gurus, many leaders. They have all of these people that act as their leadership in their life and because they are listening to so many people they are being tugged all these different directions and they can’t really tell which is the truth. Remember that only Jesus has the words of the Truth. If you are someone finding yourself not quite sure of what the right way is, and you are actually listening to a bunch of people on Youtube, and you are listening to all these different teachers, you are not obeying the words of Jesus. I want to read to you what Jesus said in Matthew chapter 3, I’m going to start in verse 8, Jesus says; “But you, do not be called ‘Rabbi’, for One is your Teacher, the Christ, and you are all brethren. Do not call anyone on earth your father; for One is your Father, He who is in heaven. And do not be called teachers; for One is your Teacher, the Christ. But he who is greatest among you shall be your servant. And whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted.” If we want to take Jesus seriously and if we want to really follow Him without being tugged all these different directions and then losing our way, wondering, “What is really the truth?... this guy is saying this and that guy is saying that…” We have to stop letting other voices into our mind and into our heart. We have to block all of those thoughts that are not coming from the Good Teacher, from Jesus Christ. So, get teachers out of your life that are not Jesus Christ. Start obeying Jesus, make Him your only Teacher. As brothers and sisters in the Lord, we can encourage one another, we can share our testimony, maybe we have a word from the Lord… But each and every one of us need to be led by the Good Shepherd, not by another brother or sister in the Lord. It will wreak havoc on your spiritual life if you are being “spiritually fed” by another brother or sister or teacher or elder… you need to be hearing directly from the source, and the source is Jesus Christ. He promised the Holy Spirit to guide you, to teach you, to comfort you if you are right with Him. So, pray and ask Jesus for the Comforter, the Holy Spirit, make HIM your Teacher and STOP being distracted by other people, by other things, whether it is the TV, your cell phone, the radio… whatever it is detox that, get it out of your life. Start really praying and hearing from Jesus and really get serous to know Him as your ONLY teacher. Obey Him, listen to His words, follow His way and you will have life, but listen to OTHERS and YOU WON’T HAVE LIFE. No one else in the whole world has the words of LIFE, only Jesus has the words of life. So really submit yourself to Him, and make HIM your ONE AND ONLY Teacher.

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