What is Happening Up There - Part 2

1 year ago

What is Happening Up There - Part 2
Something spectacular and remarkable is happening in space almost all the time. We miss most of the spectacular events because of the sheer size of the Universe, but some of them are captured or observed by satellites, space telescopes, or rovers. In the second part of today's video, "What is Happening Up There" we will give you 3 more space events that you probably didn't know about. Let us start right now.
#4. The youngest pulsar ever found.
In the previous galaxian video titled "Enormous and Extreme" part 2, we provided some information about Pulsar. If you haven't watched that video yet, please click the link provided in the upper right corner of the screen.
Pulsar is a rotating neutron star. Because of its ultra-strong magnetic field, pulsar produces beams of light along the magnetic poles. The earlier evolution of pulsar is not yet fully understood.

During radio mapping of the sky, V L A S S (Very Large Array Sky Survey) found a dwarf galaxy named V T1137 - 0337. The galaxy is 400 million light-years away from the earth. During the survey, V L A S S found a Neutron star in the galaxy. On further analysis, it came out to be a pulsar.
During earlier surveys, the Pulsar was not found which makes that particular Pulsar less than 14 years of age. If this analysis is correct then experts can learn a lot about the early evolution of a pulsar.

#5. Are Aliens Trying to Contact Us?

500 million light-years away from the earth there is something that is puzzling scientists for some time now. Scientists are receiving an intriguing signal which seems to be alien in origin. What makes the signal unique is that it is repeating itself on a sixteen-day cycle. It is the first fast radio burst (FRB) that is repeated at equal periods.
However, astronomers were able to track the source of the signal. The signal is coming from the galaxy SDSSJ015800. However, we are not sure about its origin. With the new advancements in science and technology, we are hopeful that someday we'll find the origins of that signal.

#6. "16 Psyche" The supreme rich asteroid.
There is a mega-treasure roaming in our solar system and the net worth of that treasure is $10,000 quadrillion which is 1 followed by nineteen zeros. In the asteroid belt of our solar system, 16 Psyche is a rare and the most massive asteroid. It stays 230 million miles away from the earth. Even though the asteroids are made of rocks and ice, 16 Psyche is made of metal.
Recently Hubble telescope has taken hi-resolution images of the asteroid which has provided a wealth of knowledge about 16 Psyche.

Based on the Ultra Violet observation by Hubble's telescope, scientists have concluded that 16 Psyche may be the leftover core of a planet that couldn't succeed in becoming a planet. Scientists also concluded that the major elements present in 16 Psyche are iron and nickel.
NASA is planning to launch an unmanned spacecraft to examine 16 Psyche. Once the orbiter lands on 16 Psyche on January 2026 we will get a wealth of data for the next two years.

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