Navigating complex relationships, handling and connecting with allies

1 year ago

This is an interactive course where we will review and study together many different types of relationships, from the most obvious backdrop simple templates to the complex types of relationship dynamics. For us, fire creation beings fighting to preserve our spark of spirit here, we know that a lot of our relationships are engineered by the programs. Indeed, it’s often that way that new people are being sent our way and enter our life. From the very beginning of our lifetime here as who we are right now, in this current game incarnation, we have been encouraged (and still are encouraged) to be codependent and weak at boundary setting so the programs can keep on getting in and engineer what our life looks like, our choices, our behaviors down to what and how we think. Of course, family and romance are 2 of the big programs which keep on attempting to tie us to the matrix computer systems. Many friendships are also infiltrated and corrupted to some degrees. The gems are rare ; they do exist. These are the other fire creation beings doing their shadow work. We will study many different signatures of handlers who are there to trigger, distract and disrupt and many handling templates. We will study different gazes and what we can see in the eyes, from AI traps to other types of complex signatures. What are the eyes letting us know?

This upgrading and uplevelling course comes with practicing frequency signature discernment, going over many corrupted models I have crossed path with and studying their signatures, whether they are backdrops, empty, corrupted reals or precious allies on the path. One of my motivations is to encourage you in your reclamation journey and to stimulate memories about your own past, your own present and what surrounds you. Indeed, fire creation beings are surrounded by simulation and traps that are draining them in every area of their lives (partners, collegues, friends, family members even down to our pets). The content shared is intended to assist participants to be sharper at discerning the different signatures in beings, for their personal lives and also to navigate the public life and what we find on the internet. During one module, we will study beta sex kitten programming and sexual programming, a very distractive frequency signature, which is heavily used to cause distraction in our lives and disruption in our energetic fields. One module will be devoted to animals and pets and how to avoid AI traps and what to envision with AI or spirited animals. And of course, this is to deepen our relationship with ourselves first and foremost.

Join me for another unforgettable adventurous journey lasting 14 weeks for upgrading and uplevelling!

Payment plans in 3 payments (early bird price until the 29th July 2022)

Thank you for visiting,


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