USA: Tomahawk Storm (C&C Generals Mod) Let's Play

2 years ago

A look at No Life Studios mod for the original Generals (not Zero Hour) called Tomahawk Storm. One of the more unique things about the mod is that there are 3 superweapons that each of the 3 factions can build. Each Faction has various things added to it, for example the USA has support powers that add unique units that can't be procured otherwise through normal gameplay. Each unit and building that can be procured normally has a unique description that sometimes goes into minor comedic elements, including the 3 superweapons your faction can build. The mod also uses a lot of assets from many earlier mods.

For America, unique reinforcement units that can be procured through a unit that summon reinforcements or support Generals Powers including: The Abrams, the Javelin (a rocketeer unit), Steel Rain MLRS (a artillery unit), Apache (a helicopter gunship), Pegasus Drone (not shown in the video), Spartan Tank. There is also the giant Mammoth Tank which can be teleported in by the POW Truck. Other trainable units include the Prism Tank, LOSAT launcher, and Juggernaut (stolen tech required). The US have a new drone that intercepts missiles they can procure to orbit a vehicle. They can also give it's Crusader tank a TOW Missile. The US can also use a upgrade to stealth it's commanches and F-22 Raptors (the F-22 in the real world is a well known stealth fighter) and have a upgrade that gives drone companions greater health, stealth, and self repair abilities.

The mod can be found on ModDB, look it up

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0:00: This is Tomahawk Storm, a mod for the orignal Generals, not the Zero Hour expansion, the mod is created by No Life Studios and even the start of the game is different, with the construction unit being parachuted in.

0:35: The US can summon unique reinforcement units there are no other ways of procuring in normal gameplay.

1:05: The various units in this mod come with unique descriptions.

2:37: The modders poured considrable effort into custom base defenses.

3:50: It's possible to steal technology in the mod to procure unique units.

4:10: The Point Defense Drone is added in the Tomahawk Storm mod.

4:38: Mechanics are another unique unit procurable through Generals powers.

5:04: The mods creators even gave custom voice work to some of the unique units you can airdrop.

5:56: The F-22 Raptor is already a stealth fighter in the real world.

7:03: The Crusader tank has a little TOW missile launcher due to a upgrade from earlier.

9:26: Recycled base defense turret sounds.

10:17: We just find a new resource pile and wait for our aircraft to build, let's skip ahead

10:53: My F-22 is now dead

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