"Lies My Government Told Me" with Dr. Robert Malone (WiM191)

2 years ago

Dr. Robert Malone joins me for a conversation about his upcoming book, "Lies My Government Told Me".

Be sure to check out Swan Private, the trusted Bitcoin financial services provider for high-net-worth individuals and businesses worldwide: https://www.swanprivate.com/breedlove

Dr. Malone's Substack: https://substack.com/profile/49176289-robert-w-malone-md-ms
Dr. Malone's website: https://www.rwmalonemd.com/

Podcast Website: https://whatismoneypodcast.com/
Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-what-is-money-show/id1541404400
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/25LPvm8EewBGyfQQ1abIsE?si=wgVuY16XR0io4NLNo0A11A&nd=1
RSS Feed: https://feeds.simplecast.com/MLdpYXYI

00:00:00 “What is Money” Intro
00:00:08 Learn about Bitcoin with Swan Private at SwanPrivate.Com
00:01:37 Introducing Dr.Malone & his Upcoming New Book, "Lies My Government Told Me"
00:11:09 How has your Skepticism Grown Throughout your Career?
00:22:21 Fauci Contradictions & the Governments Ability to Coerce
00:27:54 Discussing the Lack of Independent Media
00:32:05 How the World Economic Forum Weaponizes Debt
00:41:57 Monopolistic World View vs Capitalistic World View
00:47:51 The Illusion of Authority & Mass Formation Psychosis
00:53:26 Watch "Hard Money with Natalie Brunell" From Swan Studios
00:54:11 Take Control of Your Healthcare with CrowdHealth!
00:55:21 Does the Fiat System Incentive Generational Coercion?
01:09:56 Discussing "Parasitic Nature" of Central Banks
01:14:14 Market Makers Ability to Affect Crypto Markets
01:18:47 Demonopolizing the State, Using Decentralized Money & Bitcoin
01:24:43 Discussing Bitcoin Difficulty Adjustment & Energy Requirement needed for Money
01:29:58 Communities Ability to Govern without Authority & Rulers
01:39:00 Discussing "Lies My Government Told Me" & Where to find Dr.Malone's Work
01:44:44 "What is Money" Outro

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Swan Private guides high-net-worth individuals and businesses in all areas of Bitcoin strategy: https://www.swanprivate.com/breedlove
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