Generation War Mod Scenario 1 Netherland War

1 year ago

This is a small new thing I plan on uploading to Rumble which features some video game footage from my Men of War Assault Squad 2 Mod known as Generation War.

The Egore Raid commonly referred to as The Raid on Egore Outpost or The Last Act of Desperation was a raid conducted by the Netherland Republic against Egore Weapons Outpost, on October 20th, 2018 during the Battle of Farcorus, at the time of the Netherland War on the final day of the war being on German Soil, prior to the massive Federal Republic breakthrough and the German Invasion of the Netherland Republic a day later on October 21s5 of that same year.

The raid was mainly conducted by the Dutch in a desperate attempt in order to destroy German munitions and supplies in a last desperate attempt to turn the war in their favor.

Despite destroying a large chunk of the outpost during the Raid, German reinforcements arrived from the North and repelled the Dutch eliminating their last chance at turning the tide of the war in their favor and sealing the fate of Farcorus.

The Raid on Egore was recorded as the Final Act of aggression ever conducted by the Netherland Republic on German Soil, just 4 hours before the Federal Republic overwhelmed the Dutch at Farcorus and Invaded the Netherland Republic a day later.

However it would eventually be revealed a year later in 2019, that the Dutch also had managed to steal a couple of American Made M136's and escape before the Federal Republic arrived with reinforcements, the where bouts of this group was never found out until the Germanic-Swedish War occured a month following the Netherlands War.

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