Leviticus Chapter 15

2 years ago

This chapter of Leviticus covers secret sin and Elohim's view of it. Our secret sins can cause some very open problems.
David referred to secret sin his heart (Psalm 51:3-12).
Todays world is trying to tell us that our secret sin shouldn't be secret anymore. The world thinks they should be public. The world tells everyone to bring their secret sin out in the open and wear it as a badge of honor. Decades ago, people talked about a "new morality." Nowadays the term "morality" is never even brought up. It has disappeared. It's funny how those same old diseases haven't disappeared. Along with some other new ones.
The promiscuous sex of today has bred new and untreatable problems. We will save the majority of our discussion of AIDS for chapter 18, but there are plenty of other diseases involved in just heterosexual promiscuity. The human papilloma virus (HPV) has a transmision rate of 100%, even when condoms are used. The HPV virus causes infections, warts, and has strong links to cancer of the cervix and penis. Many have never even heard of this venereal disease. HPV infection is now considered to be the most common sexually-transmitted infection (sexually transmitted disease, STD) in the U.S., and it is believed that at least 75% of the reproductive-age population has been infected with sexually-transmitted HPV at some point in life. When I first did a study on this chapter some 18 years ago or so, there are over 6.2 million people new cases of HPV reported every year in the US, and approximately 50% of those infected are between the ages of 15 and 25. However, times have changed. There were about 43 million new HPV infections in 2018, many among people in their late teens and early 20s. For women who have HPV, it will show up in an abnormal pap smear. But for men, there is not a test for detecting the disease. If genital warts do not show up on a man (which they often don't), then he will never know he has the disease. He will simply be a carrier of the disease to spread it to every woman with whom he has sexual contact. The virus has no cure. Promiscuous sex is a very risky business.

So much for "safe sex."

Elohim tells us to confess our sins to Him, then we are to turn away from those sins. This is for our own good and for the good of our relationship with Him and with each other (1 Cor. 6:9-11).

Beit Yeshua Torah Assembly

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