Bulletproof Vest For Kids - Here's What You Need To Know

2 years ago

With everything going on in our world today, it comes as no surprise that we are fielding more and more inquiries from parents looking for body armor for their children. It's truly sad to think that of all the things parents have to worry about today, buying their child a bulletproof vest is now on the list.

So to help bring some clarity this most troubling issue facing parents today, I've compiled a list of the most commonly asked questions by parents who are shopping for body armor for their kids. I'll review sizing, pricing and types of body armor to help give you a better idea of what to look for when purchasing a bulletproof vest for your child.

Learn more and shop here: https://www.221btactical.com/collections/body-armor

#bulletproofvestforkids #bodyarmor #platecarrier

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