Have I Become Your Enemy Because I Tell You the Truth?

2 years ago

In the days we are living in, we cannot afford to not fear God, warn people, and live with clean hands. The only other option is to fear man, stay silent, and be found with bloody hands. In this message, Steve Berger addresses the recent developments around issues of Abortion/Infanticide, those who have become supporters of homosexuality/gender perversion, perverted indoctrination supporters, censorship supporters, open borders supporters, cancel culture, antisemitism, and more. It is radically important that we warn the church, democrats, republicans, and everyone about where we’re at as a nation, how we got here, and where we’re heading if we don’t repent. It's time to pray for all to come to the knowledge of the truth and risk becoming someone’s enemy by telling them God’s truth with love!

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