Evacuation of wounded from Azovstal to Novoazovsk, agreement was reached - MoD Ru

2 years ago

Russia's defence ministry said Monday that an agreement has been reached to evacuate injured soldiers from the Azovstal steel plant in Ukraine's port city of Mariupol.

"An agreement was reached with representatives of the Ukrainian military blocked at Azovstal in Mariupol to evacuate the wounded," the ministry said.

It added that a "regime of silence" was introduced for the duration of the evacuation and that the Ukrainian soldiers would be taken to a hospital in the nearby town of Novoazovsk.

There was no immediate confirmation from Ukrainian officials.
*** В Министерстве обороны России сообщили о достижении договоренности с представителями Вооруженных сил Украины о вывозе раненых с территории комбината «Азовсталь» в Мариуполе. Об этом сообщает ТАСС.

По данным ведомства, в районе предприятия открыт гуманитарный коридор. По нему раненые украинские военные будут отправляться в медицинское учреждение в Новоазовске.
Новоазовськ: (https://goo.gl/maps/CwdaocK4B87pjwp9A)
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