Mainly Pedo Jewish Lawyers & Bankers Responsible for Coming Mass Starvation?

2 years ago

Are mainly Secret Society LBGTQ+ Pedophiles, Mainly Jewish Judges, Lawyers, & Bankers Responsible for the Coming Starving Zombie Apocalypse?

2/3 of “Elected” Officials are Israeli & Chinese Central Banker Run B.A.R. Association Lying Lawyer Scumbags.

These “Elected” Officials are not Constitutional. Lawyers are not allowed to hold elected office based on the full 13th Amendment ratified in all States at that time to strip citizenship & deport Foreign Influenced & Paid Agent Provacateurs, LAWYERS, RATIFIED JUST BEFORE WAR OF 1812!

The Rothschild Central Bankers used Napoleon’s 1815 & War of 1812 to launch their 200 Year Plan to Own the World & Wipe out 95% of the Population leaving only what they need for “Service Staff” to be the World Government with One World Currency.

I worked for a pair of Gay Jewish Connecticut Prosecutors, who were married or considered themselves married. They had a private singing & acting school for local Jewish Boys. Mattresses & gallon tubs of Vaseline were next to mattresses all over the basement floor Longmeadow Massachusetts with the smell of ass fucking everywhere.

This was in the mid ‘80s & the Jewish Gay Connecticut Prosecutors said they lived in Mass because Connecticut State Police using BLACKMAIL told them who to prosecute, & not prosecute, & wanted a piece of their Chinese Heroin & UN Central Banker Child Adoption Auction Profits from rigging court cases. #StopTheBS #HangTheGreens #NullifyKarens

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