The Kuhner Report 07/19/2022 [FULL SHOW] Fauci plans to retire by end of Biden's term. Will he be prosecuted for his lies and deception regarding ineffective COVID «vaccines», illegal mask mandates and unconstitutional lockdowns?

1 year ago

MAIN TOPIC of today's show: Dr. "Doom" Anthony Fauci (Who is essentially a lobbyist for the medical mafia) says he plans to retire by end of Biden's current term.

The big question is this: Will he be prosecuted for his lies and deception regarding ineffective COVID «vaccines», illegal mask mandates, unconstitutional lockdowns and all the health damage, that his policies caused?

Remember, he is one of the most notorious masterminds of the massive civil liberties violations during the last 2.5 years of COVID plandemic. The result of Fauci's work is that millions of Americans have lost trust in public health authorities. Many people have died or became disabled because of side effects from the «vaccines» that he pushed for. NEVER FORGET THIS.

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