We warned you this would happen

2 years ago

We told you so!
In a Tweet from Dr. John Robson today he stated, “Some of us did tell you so at the time... and were ridiculed or ignored. Well, told ya so.”, referring to an article written by Matthew Lau who is an Adjunct Scholar for the Fraser Institute originally published in the Toronto Sun Toronto on Sun, June 29, 2022 and republished by the Frazer Institute entitled; Politicians made horrific error closing schools during COVID
And although this piece reveals the irreversible damage done to our children from closing schools it also hints at the economic damage of lockdowns. Damages which will have grave consequences on international and regional economies for decades to come. Yeah, we told ya so alright! Yes, with no pleasure whatsoever we warned you, yet few would listen to our factual assessment of state policies which were destined to fail.
Most often, however, it is the little things that make me pause and wonder how on earth people can be so enamoured of our corrupt political class which exists in the defiance of common sense and the Rule of Law. The small annoying incidences which make me increasingly aware of how completely deluded the “hangers-on” are who exist on the fringes of the current powerful class of moralizing elitists and therefore are dependent on their largess and march in lockstep to their ideological delusion.
Just the other night I discovered yet another reason to detest this Godless capital city which detests constitutional limits on government and peaceful lawful protests. Anne-Siri and I went to our favourite roadhouse and took a booth. Seated in the booth next to us were two WOKE ideologues who were complaining bitterly to a sympathizing waitress about the U.S. Supreme Court's decision regarding Roe versus Wade. I have several thoughts regarding their faux moralizing hubris and ignorance.
Firstly, the overturning of Roe versus Wade places the control of abortion into the hands of each State as a recognition of State's rights guaranteed in the U.S. Constitution. It therefore does not prevent women from accessing an abortion.
Secondly, Trudeau's government has repeatedly exceeded its legal constitutional mandate to govern and is using our police as its personal STASI to enforce arbitrary dictates on Canadians. This blatant fact wasn't even on their radar which only proves how wilfully blind they were.
Thirdly, I couldn't believe the level of zeal these women expressed couched in self-righteous arrogant virtue over the right to end a human life.
As I sat next to these feminazi ghouls, I lost my appetite.
They were the same species of deluded women who scream my body my choice when murdering the unborn yet have insisted that everyone receive the mRNA inoculation by approving whole heartedly that our federal government should enforce this intrusive protocol on us in defiance of our Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
They served to make my dining experience yet another reminder of why I hate living in this Neo-Marxist city of WOKE ideologues who are far too dull witted to understand the difference between American State's rights and our abusive centralized system of governance that abhors local democracy and personal autonomy.
Worse, they didn't care to understand the law and its proper application. They just march in lockstep to the witless dolt PM of ours who had the temerity to lecture the U.S. Supreme Court how to interpret their Constitutional law while he ignores the very Charter laws his father's government repatriated to Canada!
A pox be upon this lawless generation! And yes, we told you so. When eloquent academics are dedicating their entire careers to warning us where we are headed ideologically and that government policies based on ideological possession can only result in societal ruin, we are obliged to heed their legitimate concerns!

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