CIA Congresswoman Feigns Inflation Concern But Voted for BBB

2 years ago

Congresswoman Elissa Slotkin, who loves to brag about being Deep State, has recently been feigning deep deep concern about inflation. How very touching. And yet she voted for the highly inflationary multi-trillion dollar Build Back Broke bill last year. She has been trying to avoid mentioning that very inconvenient fact but a caller put her on the spot about that bill last December during an online townhall session for her district. Oh, and her district is currently the Michigan 8th Congressional District but due to redistricting she is now forced to run in the redder 7th CD this November. That plus the fact that the midterms look to be a disaster for Democrats has caused Slotkin to desperately pretend to be an inflation fighter despite voting for the most inflationary bill of all time.

You won't see Slotkin talking much about her vote for the Build Back Broke bill except in this video which was found via some intense searching by your humble correspondent. It is the very very inconvenient video that Slotkin wishes no one will watch, especially since she absurdly claimed the bill wouldn't be inflationary because Moody's said so, while she laughably feigns deep concern about inflation.

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