Using Enzymes to improve Cannabis Production!

2 years ago

Cannabis and the role of enzymes

Ready for a complex science or botany lesson?

Thought not!

How about a quick summary of what an enzyme is?

We might as well as without knowing what an enzyme is, it’s difficult to understand how they can help cannabis plants.

Enzymes either give chemical reactions a helping hand, or they enable chemical reactions to take place.

However, once the enzyme has done its bit, it doesn’t become part of the final product, it just goes back to being an enzyme.

As an example, enzymes help us break down the food we eat into more usable stuff, like sugars, vitamins, minerals, but once the job has been done, the enzymes remain and start all over again with new food when we eat.

Thus, in soil there are enzymes which help break down nutrients so that plants can absorb them through their roots.

They’re pretty smart, as they also react with the roots of the cannabis plant and remove any dead root cells that would restrict the absorption of nutrients.

This process can be helped with the introduction of enzymes into the soil, which you can either buy from a shop, or easily make yourself.

To make your own liquid enzyme solution, just add molasses, grated vegetables and fresh water into a sealed container, mix well, place the container in a dark, cool and dry place and leave to let the magic happen.

You should use a ratio of 1 to 3 to 10 of molasses to vegetables to fresh water.
Ideally the container should be made of plastic as you need to release any gases that are expelled as the mixture ferments once a week. If you’re like us, you might forget one week, and you don’t want a glass bottle exploding in the middle of the night, scaring you half to death!

After about three months, the enzyme solution should smell of vinegar and should be dark brown in colour.

At this stage, all you need to do is filter the liquid and then you have the perfect enzyme solution to add to your plants.

You can’t ‘overenzyme’ your soil, but you don’t need to use the solution every time you water your plants. The best time to start using it is when the plant starts flowering and this should become part of your feeding routine.

Make sure the soil doesn’t get too hot or too acidic or alkali. As the best pH level for your cannabis plant is between 6 and 7, this is ideal for enzymes as they thrive in a pH between 6 and 8.

There, that wasn’t so complicated and aren’t you glad we didn’t delve deeply into the science side!

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