Florida Man Bitten By Alligator After Mistaking It For Dog

2 years ago

A man over in Florida was bitten by an alligator after mistaking the 7-foot long reptile for a dog.

The massive gator launched its attack on the 49-year-old man on Tuesday, 7 June, although thankfully it wasn’t able to inflict any life-threatening injuries.

Spotting one of these scaled creatures is not all that unusual in Florida, which begs the question – how did he manage to confuse it for a four-legged fluffster?

Well, according to a report from the Sarasota County Sheriff's Office, it was all to do with the time of day.

You see, the man had been walking around the Warm Mineral Springs Motel gardens just after midnight. When he noticed a dark figure moving among the bushes, he assumed it was a dog on a leash and so didn’t feel the need to move out of the way. me

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Read the article here: https://www.unilad.co.uk/news/florida-man-bitten-alligator-mistaken-for-dog-20220608

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