Dr Richard Cheng on the preventative role of vitamin C towards infections

4 years ago

As part of Dublin City FM Series of talks in HelloIrlandia we are presenting the second part of the discussion by Katarzyna Joanna Siakasiya with her guest doctor Richard Cheng from Shanghai who propagates high dose vitamin C administered intravenously for critically ill patients with pneumonia, sepsis, and other less serious infections. He will - among other subjects - address the preventative role of vitamin C towards infections.

More info on doctor Richard Cheng and his practice in Columbia, South Carolina, can be found under the following link: http://www.drwlc.com/blog/2010/07/29/about-dr-richard-cheng/

W kolejnym odcinku HelloIrlandia: Na Zdrowie możecie dowiedzieć się o aktualnej sytuacji w Chinach i nowatorskich metodach leczenia tamtejszych pacjentów z wirusem COV19. Katarzyna Joanna Siakasiya rozmawia z dr Richardem Cheng z Szanghaju, inicjatorem klinicznych badań nad witaminą C podawaną dożylnie krytycznie chorym pacjentom w szpitalach w Wuhan - epicentrum epidemii w Chinach.

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