Settle Petal Malfunction!@Lisa Vesander Cre8s-HSDCo

2 years ago

Hi Viewers,
I hope you are well and keeping cool or warm, depending on where you are in the world?
Today I am showing you the warts and all of how your plans can go awry and how you can learn from them.
I get my inspiration from a lot of different outlets, YOUTUBE, walking out in my back yard or reading and meditating.
This malfunction was a good one and indeed a great lesson to learn.
As you can see I have incorrectly anticipated how my decoration would turn out.
Now I know, I will endeavour to learn from it with gusto!
One of my inspirations for my decorations are from a group of channels, links below:
@The Pethericks
@Doing It Ourselves
@Sadie in France

Many Blessings
Lisa Vesander Cre8s-HSDCo

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