MR. NON-PC - Having "Biden's Remorse" Yet?

1 year ago

Have you ever heard the term "Buyers Remorse" well now there is a brand new term called "Biden's Remorse" and it applies to all the lunkhead libs that thought Joe Biden was the answer to the problems in the U.S today.

With gas, inflation, violent crime and just about everything else at record highs will the "PC Peepz" that eat their "PC-POOP" ever admit that they have "Biden's Remorse" hmmmm....probably not.

These are the same fools that won't kneel for god, but instead knelt for BLM. These are the same clowns who STILL won't admit the "Easy Bake Oven Vaccine" never worked and never will. And these are the same disciples of the DemonRats who will NEVER admit that they now have BIDEN'S REMORSE!! ahahaha!!!

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