The World is Quantum Leaping

2 years ago

Welcome back to Season Two.

Long time between season one and the release of season two - so much transpiring, transcending, transmuting for me, you and the collective. Earth is shifting, the frequency is changing so much and as to are we having to. I talk about what is happening now on earth. How the vale of truth is thin.

As a collective, we are energetically releasing deep ancestral patterns, beliefs, and old ways of being. We don't have a choice, we have to. Our old paradigms of belief, we cannot carry into the new earth. The old way of hustle must die. Living from what we have been programmed to believe as masculine must be relearned. We are now learning the power of feminine flow, living from the heart and gut, not always being in action but shifting to aligned action that is done with ease and grace.

Tune into this episode as I share my last few months and what must, in fact already is changing!

Lots of love,


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