Can You Still File For Social Security Disability During the COVID-19 Coronavirus Crisis

4 years ago

While the coronavirus crisis has shut down many parts of the American economy, Social Security is still operating and you can still file for disability benefits.

As I discuss in this video, however, we can expect many changes, some of which may help you in your claim for benefits, and other factors that may cause more delay.

Regardless of how the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic has impacted every facet of our lives, however, you should not wait or delay filing - there is no benefit to you in doing so.

Perhaps the biggest change at Social Security has been the move to telework. Very few disability decision makers or staff are working at SSA’s office. Instead, they have transitioned to telework. Because this change to telework was unexpected and had to be managed on the fly, we are seeing some delays and an increase in inefficiency.

If you call SSA’s 800 number (800-772-1213), expect long hold times.

If you are starting a new application you are much better off filing it online at Social Security is now paperless and online applications are processed much faster. Here are some tips I have posted on my website about what SSA expects when you fill out the application forms:

In addition to delays because of SSA’s move to telework, we are also seeing delays in new filings because SSA is not sending claimants out to consultative evaluations - they don’t want to expose you to strangers who may be infected with the COVID-19 virus. This means that you and your attorney need to put extra effort into collecting and submitting medical records.

Eventually, SSA adjudicators will simply deny these claims and pass the file along.

Hearings seem to be scheduled faster than they were before, perhaps because judges are now allowed to hold hearings by phone. My experience has been that Social Security judges recognize that even fewer jobs exist in the regional and national economy so approval rates are going up.

I expect that we won’t be going back to pre-coronavirus days anytime soon, so if you have a legitimate claim, go ahead and start the process and let us know if we can assist you in any way.

===============FREE SURVIVAL KIT====================
Don’t know where to begin? Download my free
“Secrets of Getting Approved” Survival Kit at

==============FREE CASE EVALUATION=================
If you or a loved one would like a case evaluation for your
SSDI or SSI case, please contact me at

=================CONTACT ME========================
Jonathan Ginsberg
Social Security Disability Attorney
Telephone: 800-890-2262
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