Leviticus Chapter 13

1 year ago

We now come to the appetizing chapter of "running sores and leprosy." This chapter discusses a skin affliction that is termed "leprosy," but leprosy as we know it today (Hansen's Disease) does not at all fit the description given here. The name of the disease is tsara'ath. The disease described here is unknown today and was possibly a result of sin in one's life. We know that Miriam was struck with leprosy when she rebelled against Moses and his wife who was a Cushite. Whether or not this disease was always a result of sin is unknown.

While this chapter deals directly with the physical aspects of this disease, a drash of this chapter shows us the exceeding awfulness of sin.

Leviticus is a book of worship of Elohim. However, it has an extended section on this skin disease of tsara'ath. This disease is an accurate symbol of sin in the heart of mankind. It shows the exceeding awfulness of sin and the effect of sin in action. We are going to see here how Elohim sees us in our sinful condition.

The hopelessness and dreadfulness of sin are accurately portrayed in the leper trudging down the hot dusty road crying out, "Unclean, unclean!!!!" This is a reminder to the Israelite in that day, and to us today, that the moral leper is in need of cleansing also.

Many people have the false impression that they may enter the kingdom of heaven on their own works. If that were possible (which it's not) then you would travel the streets of the kingdom shouting "Unclean, unclean!!" You could touch nothing and no person could come within sight distance of you. However, we are told that nothing unclean will be a part of the redeemed Kingdom (Rev. 21:23-27).

Beit Yeshua Torah Assembly

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