Goodie 5yr old Ahkal-Teke Stallion Ground Driving

1 year ago

Goodie 5yr old Ahkal-Teke Stallion Ground Driving

A "Where he is At" training video.

Goodie is a little sore in the front feet, completely bruised from wild pacing during a "buzz saw tree cutting next door" incident. He's on an extreme amount of bute here, hence only the teeny tiny bit of jogging in the corner of arena where the sand is deepest. But he's been a little sore from the beginning of his training here because EVERYTHING will cause him to pace wildly. The tree cutting incident was just the last kicker! LOL And though he is sore, it sure hasn't made him slow! LOL I have to work hard to give this horse enough mental stimulation without making it muscle work that would hurt his feet more! Quite the balance act!

As Lora and I discuss, neither of these horses ARE civilized or LIKE civilization! LOL This breed of horse is kinda too hot to be in small stalls unless very socialized and/or acclimated to it while very young. Both of these horses, Totem and Goodie, were in a large stall at their previous home, able to run back and forth and play "bitey-bitey" with each other over the pipe fence, with no outside noises or vehicles in their vicinity and due to circumstance beyond control, not taken off the property during their first 5yrs of life... basically, all their lives actually. So, the whole, "There is another world out there," kinda blew their minds! LOL

Goodie is a little "hotter" than Totem, mostly, right now, because he hasn't had a good turnout and run in a few weeks due to his bruised feet. All he's been doing is this walking in long lines which isn't enough for a hot young stallion.

Anyways, he does his job, unless something "ruffles his feathers" LOL and then he is easily frustrated and gets a little prancy and sometimes when I ride him, he felt a little broncy. I never let it get into a knock down drag out with him because a.)it's not fair, what with him being kinda couped up with his feet and all, and b.)I'd then have to "overwork" him to get him over whatever ruffled his feathers to begin with. So, we have settled on ground driving as a safe and sane in between work! :)

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