Flop Lines and Loops Unboxing

4 years ago

I got another fun package from Flop Ball again. They came up with some new shapes to experiment with. Lines and Loops. At first I thought the Loops would have more tricks then the Lines but its the other way around. It is crazy how minimal design can bring out so much play. Flow Circus with their line of skilltoys under Flop Balls are doing really cool things with basic shapes that force you to think abstract. Juggling abstract can never go wrong. lol. The flop lines are pretty neat when you spin them the sand separates so the middle is bendy like nun-chucks. The floops are pretty interesting. Not too small not too big. You can grab thru them and launch lines thru them too. Flop Ball has been coming up with some cool Object Manipulation toys and told me they have even more they are cooking up so watch out!

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