How Fortunate Are We, Galus is Not Home, the Travels in the Midbar, Giving, and It's all Hashem

2 years ago

From the at the Artscroll Shabbos table Parshat devarim Shabbat Hazen issue #50. first one is from the sefer Faith amid the flames the story of Reb Yosef Friedenson by Rabbi Yosef C. Golding title How fortunate are we. second story also from #50 from the sefer The darkness and the dawn by Rabbi Daniel Glatstein Musical accompaniment while being exiled?
third story is titled the gift of giving from inspired by Rabbi Binyomin Pruzansky
Parashas Matos masei by Y. Levenstein titled Let's win the lottery
Last one is It's all from Hashem from Rav Chaim Kanievsky on the three weeks compiled by Harav Abraham Yeshayahu Steinman, adapted by Rabbi David Hollander
First aired YouTube Aug 11, 2021

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