The Magical Miracle of You with Timothy Stuetz

2 years ago

‘For me, unity is being tapped into God, or Source, or whatever you want to call it. It’s aligning with that consciousness. One of my prayers every morning is to be aligned with that consciousness. I consider myself like one cell within this giant body of God. I just want my cell to be totally functional and in alignment so that it helps everyone else get in that same place. I can’t imagine what life would be like if we were all tapped into that simultaneously’

‘There are so many levels of wealth. Physical wealth is health, monetary wealth is to be able to take care of yourself and your family, and help others in the world. There’s mental wealth, where your mind is quiet and peaceful. It allows a free flow of energy so that you can pick up on the information you’re supposed to have to guide your life. Then there’s emotional wealth, where you know you have them but you’re not ruled by them, and you can respond instead of reacting to things. Wealth for me is the entire circle of life and being tuned into that.’

‘I dream of a world where everybody has the food, water, shelter, and necessities to life. Where we live in total peace and harmony and we can all focus on our hearts and our spiritual evolution. I dream of a world where we all just love one another and help one another through everything.’

To learn more about Timothy Stuetz and his work, visit

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