How long does a bitch's gestation last?

1 year ago

How long does a bitch's gestation last?
Hearing about the arrival of new puppies is very special news for both the owner and the pet. At the same time, some doubts begin to arise. Among them, how long does the gestation last and what care is needed throughout this process.
The ideal is to castrate the animals to avoid unwanted reproduction. However, if you want the offspring, the most important thing is to know the particularities of this delicate period and ensure the health of both the future mother and the babies.
After all, canine pregnancy is a beautiful and wonderful moment, since new lives are being created and, soon, will live among the guardian. Therefore, all care is not enough.
To help you better understand how to make your pregnant dog comfortable during the months of pregnancy, we have prepared the content below. Take a look!
While the human gestation lasts a long 9 months, the gestation of a female dog is much faster: on average, it lasts 63 days (can vary from 58 to 68 days), regardless of the breed or size of the dog.
One of the ways to know if the female dog is pregnant is by paying attention to the animal's habits. The pregnant female usually presents appetite reduction, breast swelling and behavior changes.
As these are very general signs and difficult to be noticed, if you observe something unusual in your pet, the ideal is to take it to a veterinarian. Thus, it is possible to rule out other alterations, such as psychological pregnancy, breast tumors, and infection of the uterus.
Now, if you are in doubt about dog pregnancy, we can help you! To confirm the pregnancy, you must count 21 days from the moment the mating took place and fertilization may have occurred.
In this way, from the third week of gestation on, you can ask the vet for an abdominal ultrasound. This way you can be sure that your furry companion is carrying some puppies in her belly.
For the female dog to have a peaceful gestation, it is necessary to be in good health. For this reason, one of the first precautions to be taken during the puppy's pregnancy is to make an appointment with a veterinarian.
In the veterinary clinic, the professional will perform a physical examination, check vaccines and deworming, in addition to ordering blood tests, if necessary. Thus, the check-up will be complete, certifying the health of your pet and the puppies.
It is very important to monitor the canine pregnancy every week, with visits to the veterinarian. This way, it is possible to take care of any problems that may arise.
"Prenatal care includes an ultrasound examination (at 21 days), which assesses the viability of the fetuses, and radiography (at 47 days of gestation), which allows us to know how many puppies there are and in what position they are", explains Dr. Karina Mussolino, a veterinarian.
The pregnant woman's health status must be monitored during the consultations. The exams may lead the veterinarian to recommend a c-section, if the babies are not positioned or if there are signs of fetal distress.
To contribute to the good health of the female and the puppies, offer the pregnant woman only good quality food, such as super premium food, which ensures greater absorption of nutrients.
However, remember that the change of feed should be done with professional guidance and gradually to avoid gastrointestinal problems. Thus, everyone wins, since your companion in the animal kingdom will have an upgrade in nutrition, right?
As the pregnancy progresses, the bitch is likely to feel more tired. Therefore, although walks are recommended, they should be shorter and slower, always offering water along the way.
Hygiene is also very important during gestation. Thus, baths are also fundamental, but they must be given carefully and, especially, without stress.
In fact, trying to avoid stressful situations is very important for the safety of the pregnancy, especially in the last weeks. This is because everything that the bitch goes through can affect the puppies.
According to Dr. Karina, the best is to provide the female with a comfortable bed, in a clean, quiet and warm environment. This way, you guarantee a suitable place for her to concentrate on the birth, when the time comes.

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