HORROR! Mass Shooter Kills 3, Injures 2 at Mall; Shooter Killed by Armed Citizen!

1 year ago

On Sunday evening about 6oclock, 4 people were killed and 2 injured when a mass shooter opened fire in a food court at the Greenwood Mall in Greenwood, Indiana, a suburb of Indianapolis. 3 of the killed were victims, the other was the active shooter. An Armed Citizen Shot and Killed the maniac who was apparently bent on killing as many as possible. Here’s the Greenwood Police Chief (Video)

One is left to wonder how many people this shooter could have killed if the young man had not taken him out. It is reported that he had several magazines, so he may have easily had a few hundred rounds. According to a young lady working in the mall at the time, she heard about 30 shots and was trying to provide refuge.

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