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#ReOpen America

4 years ago

I know I jumped all over the place in the video so I apologize for that. Here is a list of the events I discussed in order;
Friday April 17th- 12p Columbia SC- state capitol building Global March for Freedom
Friday April 17th- 1p Huntington beach CA- 126 Main st March for Freedom
April 19th- Helena, Montana Freedom Rally
April 20th- 12p Harrisburg Pa capitol building #reopenpa
April 30th- 9A Michigan state capitol building Uniting for Liberty/ Michigan March for Freedom
May 1st- 12p Washington state capitol building American Revolution 2.0
May 1st- 12p 1700 W Washington st, Phoenix Az Arizona March for Freedom
May 1st- 12p West Virginia state capitol WV March for Freedom
May 2nd- 2p Alberta Global March for Freedom
May 16th- 12p General Coffee state park Wear It Out Patriot Picnic 2020

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Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/georgia.liberty.1

Twitter: @j_neumeyer


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