Psychic Reading Example: what to expect (Go to settings on video and click playback speed to 2x)

4 years ago

This is an example of what to expect from a psychic reading. Other psychics may be much different, but this is my style. Some parts have been removed due to privacy. The readee has been kind enough to allow me to share this video, other recordings will never be shared. This video goes on a little longer than an hour, but typically readings will be strictly 1 hour long.

The way I read energy is by seeing pictures in my mind, you could call them visions if you like. These pictures are somewhat symbolic but sometimes literal as well. Relaying these images can be very therapeutic and informative.
I will look at the energy affecting you which could be yours or it may be something preventing you from being yourself and manifesting your truth. I do not focus on making predictions as the stereotypical psychic would because the future is not set in stone and predictions are simply saying where things are headed at the moment. Even Nostradamus knew that his predictions were only possible futures that he wrote down in hopes that we could avoid it. In that understanding I prefer not to program people into believing and manifesting some future prediction when I could instead let them know what energies they are handling that are not their own and how they can better clear the energy to find their true path.
I do not read minds, so you don't need to worry about that. ;) I have no idea what you are thinking so please speak up about whatever you want me to look at during your reading. I don't know everything going on either. Similar to how eyes don't allow you to see everything, psychic insight is limited to its focal point and depth.
I will have my eyes closed the whole time in a state of trance (I meditate for about 30-45 minutes before most readings). I tend to do the first half-hour without any input, but if you feel the need to interrupt and ask for more clarity or a question please do so. Typically I will be reading the layers of your energy, but then I stop for questions about anything I said or anything you are interested in. The remaining half hour will be dedicated to your questions. If you are interested in a relationship with someone or something happening in your life you can simply say their name or whatever it is and I will look at what is going on in that dynamic. If there is something specific about it you would like me to look at then please say so. If you can’t think of questions, then we can bring up whatever is going on in your life and I can read the energy. Come prepared with questions.
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