Episode 782: Husbands/Wives made to fulfill each others needs

1 year ago

“a man shall leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife......and they shall be two in one flesh.”

There are Seven Basic Needs of a Husband

1. A man needs a wife who is loyal and supportive.

2. A man needs a wife who honors his leadership.

3. A man needs a wife who develops inward and outward beauty.

4. A man needs a wife who will make appeals, not demands.

5. A man needs a wife who understands his need for time alone with God.

6. A man needs a grateful wife.

7. A man needs a wife who will be praised by others.

There are Seven Basic Needs of a Wife

1. A wife needs a husband who demonstrates spiritual leadership.

2. A wife needs to know she is meeting her husband’s vital needs.

3. A wife needs a husband who cherishes her.

4. A wife needs a husband who protects her.

5. A wife needs to have intimate communication with her husband.

6. A wife needs a husband who honors her.

7. A wife needs a husband who invests in her life.

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