Helen Marshall: Delicious Cookies, Entrepreneurship & How To Feed Kids A Wild Diet

4 years ago

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How would you like to build a thriving business around your passion?

Well, the good news is that you can. You can make that happen.

There is a lot of confidence that comes when you start to do your own thing. And we have a wonderful example on the show here today.

Helen Marshall is a certified primal health coach and founder of the grain-free food company, Primal Alternative. Helen hosts the Primal Alternative podcast on the Wellness Couch which is the #1 ranked health and wellness podcast station in Australia.

On this show with Helen, we’re chatting about:

* How to create a business doing what you love
* How delicious cookies can help a new diet stick
* Overcoming fears around what we think we’re capable of
* How to feed your kids a wild diet
* Why we should be growing a veggie patch
* Why the easiest way to people’s hearts is through their belly
* And tons more…

Read the show notes: https://fatburningman.com/helen-marshall-delicious-cookies-entrepreneurship-how-to-feed-kids-a-wild-diet

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